Vipatco’s services; including:

  • Consulting on announcing product and goods quality standards 
  • Service of announcing product quality standards nationwide.
  • Consulting on declaring the quality of food, cosmetics, chemicals, etc.
  • Consulting on administrative sanctions for violations of quality declaration.

1. Benefits of publishing quality standards

– Announcement of product quality standards is the process of applying for a license to circulate products and goods on the market of domestic manufacturing enterprises, as well as goods imported from abroad into Vietnam. . Through the announcement of product and goods quality standards, it helps the state effectively manage the quality of goods and consumers can use them with peace of mind. The announcement of product and goods quality standards not only has great benefits for production organizations and individuals, for consumers and also for state management agencies.

– Benefits for businesses registering to announce product and goods quality standards to help the process of bringing products to consumers, confirming product quality through safety-tested information, thereby affirming the brand, safety and business position in the market. Consumers trust in use, partners trust in communication. Enterprises fully comply with state laws related to product and goods quality management. The product has a competitive advantage over other products, ensuring long-term circulation in the market and ensuring that the products are allowed to be imported into Vietnam.

– Benefits for consumers: consumers trust the quality of products that have been tested for safety, thereby using them with peace of mind. Avoid using pirated or poor quality goods that affect consumers’ health. Publicly announcing product and goods quality standards helps consumers make the correct choice of goods to ensure safety, and consumers quickly recognize them through marking conformity with regulations.

– Benefits for management agencies. The state’s requirement to declare quality standards and declare conformity for domestic and imported products and goods helps the state create commercial technical requirements and limit poor quality and weak goods entering the market. market in Vietnam, is a condition to promote domestic enterprises to develop and compete in quality for products of the same type. At the same time, it helps the management process and orientation of the state in the process of market development, competitive goods and international cooperation.

2. Documents announcing product and goods quality standards

a. Announcement of quality standards for products and goods imported from abroad:

+ Request the foreign company to provide a translated copy of the business registration license

+ Test result sheet for quality criteria, hygiene criteria and related criteria including 2 originals or certified copies. Test product quality at the testing center, meeting ISO 17025 standards

+ Certificate of free circulation, original or authentic consular copy

+ HACCP or ISO 22,000 certificate of the manufacturing company;

+ Product label or photo of product label and draft of secondary labeling content (with seal of trader);

b Announcing quality standards for domestically produced products. 

+ Notarized copy of business license announced by the enterprise;

+ Product testing result sheet

+ Declaration of product and goods quality standards: Declaration of product quality standards according to form BM01/TĐC/05; Product label and instructions for use (if any)

+ Standards applied to products and goods (except for cases where Vietnam Standards or industry standards are applied). If an enterprise applies international standards, regional standards or foreign standards, a Vietnamese translation must be included in the dossier.

– For products and goods that ensure safety and have Vietnamese standards (TCVN), industry standards (TCN), technical regulations (QDKT) attached by ministries and branches, the enterprise self-announces them. pepper

3. Responsibilities of businesses when announcing product quality standards:

+ Ensure honesty in the process of declaring and announcing product standards to ensure quality and trade in quality goods

+ Ensure products and goods meet published measurement quality standards

+ Self-inspect the quality and ensure the quality of goods announced by yourself, produce and do business according to announced quality standards

+ Store and manage records announcing product and goods quality standards. When inspecting, state agencies will request to provide and send a copy to the relevant department

– After publication, the enterprise sends the standard declaration dossier to the Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality of the province or centrally run city where the enterprise is headquartered.

– The Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality is the local focal point agency that receives the enterprise’s standard announcement dossier and is responsible for checking the conformity of the standard with state regulations.

– Within 10 working days from receipt of the announcement dossier, if the dossier complies with regulations, the Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality will issue a proclamation receipt according to the form specified in Appendix II. of these Regulations. In case the dossier is not suitable, the Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality will notify the non-conformity in writing so that the enterprise can fix it and re-announce it.

– Enterprises do not have to pay fees when submitting dossiers to announce product and goods quality standards.

Contact Vipatco Company for advice and the best service at the most competitive prices Email vietstar@vipatco.vn