There are many business, trade and production sectors related to food and functional foods that require a certificate of food safety eligibility (usually called a food hygiene and safety license). Products). However, not everyone is familiar with the procedures for applying for this license. Vipatco provides consulting on applying for a food hygiene license for customers who are having trouble with legal procedures.

In this article we advise on legal issues surrounding this license application procedure.

1. Legal basis

Food safety law 2010.

Decree 15/2018 Detailing a number of articles of the Law on Food Safety.

Circular 279/2016/TT-BTC regulates the rates, collection, remittance, management and use of fees in food safety and hygiene work.

Joint Circular 13/2014/TTLT – BCT guides coordination and assignment in food safety management.

Circular 47/2014/TT-BYT guiding food safety management for food service establishments.

2. Licensing agency

Depending on the business, trade and production related to food and functional foods, applications and licenses will be submitted to different authorities. Currently, the Department of Industry and Trade, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Health are the three authorities with authority to issue food hygiene and safety licenses.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to specifically determining which business, trade and production related to food and functional foods to apply for a license need to submit documents to. Specifically:

2.1 The Department of Industry and Trade issues food hygiene and safety licenses to the following subjects:

Enterprises producing: Wine (Under 3 million liters/year), beer (Under 50 million liters/year), soft drinks (Under 20 million liters/year), processed milk (Under 20 million liters/year) year), vegetable oil (Under 50 thousand tons/year), confectionery (under 20 thousand tons/year), flour and starch (Under 100 thousand tons/year).

2.2 The Department of Agriculture issues food hygiene and safety licenses to the following subjects:

Establishments producing, pre-processing, processing and trading agricultural, forestry and aquatic products: Cereals, meat and meat products, aquatic products and aquatic products, vegetables, fruits, eggs and other products egg products, raw milk, honey and honey products, modified foods, salt, spices, sugar, tea, coffee, cocoa, pepper, cashew, agricultural products, food other.

2.3 The Department of Health issues food hygiene and safety licenses to the following subjects:

Establishments producing and trading bottled drinking water, natural mineral water, food additives, food flavorings, food processing aids, and food packaging equipment.

Food service establishment.

3. Apply for a food hygiene and safety license

3.1 The procedure for applying for a food hygiene and safety license includes the following steps:

Step 1: Please confirm that you have received training on food safety knowledge and health certificates of the facility owner and employees directly involved in production or business.

Step 2: Draft documents and submit to authorities.

Step 3: After appraising the dossier, the authorities organize a team to appraise the facility. The results of the facility appraisal are recorded in the facility appraisal record and the decision to grant a food hygiene and safety license.

In case the appraisal results are not satisfactory, the appraisal record must clearly state the re-evaluation deadline (maximum 03 months). If the re-evaluation results are still unsatisfactory, the appraisal team will make a record and propose to the competent state agencies to suspend the facility’s operations.

4. Application for food hygiene and safety license

– Copy of business registration certificate/ Investment certificate/ operation registration certificate of the branch

– Health certificate (copy) with photo.

– Comprehensive list of health certificates of facility owners and people directly involved in production or business.

– Certificate of training in food safety knowledge of facility owners and employees directly involved in production or business.

– Application for issuance of Certificate of establishment meeting food safety conditions 

– Explanation of facilities, equipment and tools

– Water source test sheet 

– Contracts and invoices for purchasing and selling input materials for production, processing and business processes.

5. Food hygiene and safety license application service at Vipatco

– Consulting on legal issues related to procedures for applying for a certificate of establishment meeting food hygiene and safety conditions.

– Based on the requirements and documents provided by customers, our lawyers will analyze and evaluate the legality and compatibility with work performance requirements;

– Prepare an application for a food hygiene and safety license; Submit and receive results at management agencies.

– Receiving the facility appraisal team (if any)

– Support legal issues related to the use of the license during the validity of the license.

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