Responding to World Intellectual Property Day – IPDAY 2024: Intellectual property – An important factor in raising the local innovation index – Towards the United Nations’ sustainable development goals

The local level Innovation Index (PII) aims to provide a realistic, overall picture of the current state of the socio-economic development model based on science, technology and innovation. (Science, Technology and Innovation) of each locality. Besides, the PII index also contributes to improving the capacity and results of national Science, Technology and Innovation activities; especially contributing to implementing, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy to 2030, the Intellectual Property Strategy to 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals…

In recent years, the results of the global innovation index (GII) rankings have shown that Vietnam continues to improve its innovation input ranking. In the past 10 years, from 2013, Vietnam’s GII ranking increased 30 places (from position 76 to 46). Vietnam continuously maintains the leading position in the group of low-middle income countries (in 2022 and 2023, Vietnam ranks 2nd, after India). In the ASEAN region, Vietnam ranked 4th (after Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand), achieving the target set by the Government for 2023 in Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 6, 2023. For 13 consecutive years, Vietnam has always had innovation results higher than its level of development, showing effectiveness in converting input resources into output results for socio-economic development. Vietnam is one of the few low-middle income countries recognized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as having the fastest pace of catching up on innovation. However, at the local level, many places are still confused in participating in implementing the Government’s Resolution on improving the national GII index. With the technical support of WIPO, based on research and reference to experience in building local-level indexes that already exist in the country (PCI National Competitiveness Index, PAR Administrative Reform Index). , DTI Digital Transformation index…) and foreign experience (some countries have successfully built a set of local innovation indexes such as China, India, Columbia, USA…), Ministry of Science and Technology has built a set of local-level indicators in 10 steps according to OECD guidelines for building a comprehensive set of indicators, suitable to the practical context and characteristics of localities in Vietnam.


Photo: Ceremony of announcing the results of the 2023 Local Innovation Index ranking


At the meeting in early 2022, the Government issued Resolution No. 12/NQ-CP dated January 30, 2022, assigning: “The Ministry of Science and Technology presides over and coordinates with agencies, localities, WIPO and other Relevant organizations develop a set of innovation indexes at the local level and organize pilot assessments in a number of localities to measure the innovation capacity and innovation results of each locality, in sync with the GII global innovation index of Vietnam”. After testing results are available, the Local Innovation Index (PII) will be uniformly implemented nationwide from January 1, 2023.

As the focal agency to monitor the improvement of innovation indicators of ministries, branches and localities as assigned by the Government, in recent times, the Ministry of Science and Technology has implemented many activities such as Organize training seminars and directly exchange and guide ministries, branches and localities. The National Office of Intellectual Property is assigned to preside over 06 indicators related to the field of intellectual property (IP) mentioned in the 2023 PII Report.

Introducing the Local Innovation Index 

The local innovation index (abbreviated as PII – Provincial Innovation Index) was built to provide a realistic, overall picture of the current state of the socio-economic development model based on science and technology. technology and innovation (STI) of each locality, thereby providing the basis and evidence of strengths, weaknesses, potential factors and necessary conditions to promote socio-economic development based on science, technology and innovation of each locality. Based on the set of indicators, policy makers and local leaders at all levels have a scientific and practical basis to identify and select appropriate directions and solutions for the country’s socio-economic development. our locality based on Science, Technology and Innovation.

The 2023 PII index framework has been designed with two groups: Innovation Input and Innovation Output with a total of 52 component indices. Innovation input includes 05 pillars including: Institutions, Human capital and research & development, Infrastructure, Market development level, Enterprise development level. Innovation output includes two pillars: Knowledge, creativity and technology products and Impact.

Accordingly, IP targets are placed in the Knowledge, Creativity and Technology Products pillar (pillar 6) – one of the two innovation output pillars. These pillars reflect innovation inputs including institutions, human capital and research & development, infrastructure and development of markets and businesses – that is, factors that create favorable conditions. for innovation activities to bring results that contribute to improving PII rankings.

PII indicators are directly related to IP

– Index 6.1.1: number of patent protection applications/10,000 people (data from the National Office of Intellectual Property);

– Index 6.1.2: number of applications for protection of utility solutions/10,000 people (data from the National Office of Intellectual Property);

– Index 6.1.3: number of plant variety registration applications/10,000 people (data from the Department of Crop Production);

– Index 6.2.1: number of trademark registration applications/10,000 people (data from the National Office of Intellectual Property);

– Index 6.2.2: number of industrial design registration applications/10,000 people (data from the National Office of Intellectual Property);

– Index 6.2.3: number of geographical indications that have been granted protection certificates (data from the National Office of Intellectual Property).

Inventions, useful solutions, plant varieties, trademarks, and industrial designs, if applied and exploited in practice, can bring value and be counted as innovation. Therefore, the number of products as well as registration applications are considered inputs for innovation. The higher the number of applications, the higher the score and ranking in PII.

According to the 2023 Local Innovation Index Report, the ten leading localities in pillar 6 – Knowledge, creativity and technology products include:

(i) Hanoi, (ii) Can Tho, (iii) City. Ho Chi Minh, (iv) Long An, (v) Ba Ria – Vung Tau, (vi) Tra Vinh, (vii) Tien Giang, (viii) Ninh Thuan, (ix) Da Nang, and (x) Thua Thien Hue . In the group of 10 localities leading this pillar, there are 5 localities in the group of 10 leading localities in PII 2023 nationwide, no localities in the low-income group and no localities in the Central Highlands and Midlands. and the northern mountains.

Scores of the top 10 localities Pillar 6 – Knowledge, creativity and technology products

Source: PII 2023 database


In this pillar, there are many localities that are uneven in all three index groups. For example, Can Tho has a low score in the Intangible Assets index group but has high scores in the other two index groups. Or Tien Giang has a high score in the Knowledge Creation index group, but the other two groups have scores far apart. Da Nang also has a low score in the Intangible Assets index group but has a good score in Knowledge Diffusion. Thua Thien Hue does not have good scores in Knowledge Diffusion but has good scores in the remaining two index groups. Some localities are not in the group of 10 leading localities in this pillar but have good results in the Knowledge Creation index group such as Hai Duong, Thai Binh, Lam Dong, or in the Intangible Assets group such as Tuyen Quang, Ha Giang, Yen Bai, Hung Yen, Ben Tre, and in the Knowledge Diffusion group such as Ben Tre, Kon Tum, Dong Thap, Phu Yen, Binh Duong, Hoa Binh.

Overall ranking results of the PII index in 2023 and the impact of intellectual property indicators on the ranking results

After data processing, analysis, and calculation with processes, methods, and calculation techniques according to international standards and evaluated by independent international experts, the 2023 PII results of 63 localities are in Hanoi. has the highest score, reaching 62.86 points.


PII Score 2023: Inputs, Outputs and 7 pillars of the top 10 localities

Source: PII 2023 database


Hanoi leads 14 indexes out of 52 component indexes, including intellectual property indexes such as inventions, utility solutions, plant varieties, and industrial designs, which occupy the highest position compared to other indexes. The remaining localities reached 63.16 points.

Value/score in pillar 6 of Hanoi (Source: PII Report 2023)


Value/score in pillar 6 of the City. Ho Chi Minh (Source: PII Report 2023)


Next, City. Ho Chi Minh leads 12 indexes out of 52 component indexes, including indexes in the field of intellectual property with high scores of 52.18 points. Can Tho ranked fifth with 4 leading indexes out of 52 component indexes, with high indicators of the number of trademark and industrial design applications. Although in fifth place on the overall rankings, the indicators were high. Can Tho’s IP numbers ranked second only after Hanoi in Pillar 6. Knowledge, creativity and technology products.

Value/score in pillar 6 of Can Tho (Source: PII Report 2023)


Ba Ria – Vung Tau province ranked seventh in the total score ranking of 52 component indexes, with high indicators of the number of trademark applications and geographical indication protection applications, despite being in seventh position on the rankings. Overall ranking, but Can Tho’s IP indicators ranked fifth after Hanoi, Can Tho, and City. Ho Chi Minh and Long An are in Pillar 6. Knowledge, innovation and technology products.

Value/score in pillar 6 of Ba Ria – Vung Tau (Source: PII Report 2023)


The results of some of the leading localities in the country mentioned above show that indicators related to the field of intellectual property are important in evaluating and calculating local innovation index scores in Vietnam. From the annual PII results, localities can come up with adjustment solutions suitable to their own conditions and characteristics for the input and output pillars with poor results as well as promote their strengths. localities to constantly improve their local PII scores to contribute to building a prosperous and prosperous country according to the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations./.


Center for Research, Training and Support, Consulting


1. Local-level Innovation Index Report 2023 – Current status of the socio-economic development model based on Science, Technology and Innovation of provinces and centrally run cities, Science and technology.

2. Global Innovation Index (WIPO) Report, 2022, 2023. WIPO. Geneva.

3. Resolution No. 12/NQ-CP dated January 30, 2022 of the Government on the regular Government meeting in January 2022.

4. Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 6, 2023 of the Government: Regarding main tasks and solutions to implement the Socio-Economic Development Plan, State Budget Estimates and Environmental Improvement business school, improving national competitiveness by 2023.

5. VnExpress Newspaper, Introduction to PII Index 2023.

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